Friday, January 31, 2025


1. Indra Theertham - provides moksham 
2. Agni Theertham - rids Brahmahatthi dosham 
3. Yama Theertham - rids fear of death 
4. Nruthi Theertham - rids from fear of evil spirits 
5. Varuna Theertham - provides long life 
6. Vaayu Theertham - rids diseases 
7. Gubera Theertham - provides prosperity 
8. Isaana Theertham - moksham (to reach Lord Siva's feet) 
9. Brahma Theertham - pacifies ancestors 
10. Gangai Theertham - provides Kailasa padavi 
11. Yamuna Theertham - provides wealth 
12. Godavari Theertham - fulfills wishes 13. Narmada Theertham - provides physical strength 
14. Saraswathi Theertham - provides Gnaanam (enlightenment) 
15. Cauveri Theertham - provides knowledge 
16. Kumari Theertham - blessings to pets 
17. Payodini Theertham - provides joy 
18. Sarayu Theertham - removes mental strain 
19. Arubathaaru(66)kodi Theertham - removes grief & provides hapiness 
20. Deva Theertham / Naaga Theertham - rids of all sins & provides Devendra's post / rids of Kaala Sarpa dosham

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